For a while now, I have dreamed of leaving my company. The place was toxic, and every day, I felt like I was suffocating. But it was security and brought in stable money.
Turns out the job wasn’t so secure after all. About a month ago, I found out there was a giant target on my back. And a week ago, I sat down with HR and my boss to learn that I was getting laid off.
Talk about a mix of emotions. I wanted to leave, but on my terms. And leaving without a game plan is not something I would ever do. I have bills, responsibilities, two college-aged kids. But when I left the company that day, I felt surprisingly calm. I sensed that something better would come from this.
I drove home, and my girlfriend and I took the dog out for a good hike in the area. Then, we had a drink to celebrate my newly-found freedom. She was amazing and reminded me of who I am and all that I bring. She also reminded me that we bought our condo at a price that we could afford on one salary. We can weather this until we figure it all out.
So now, a week later, I’m still figuring it out. I’d like to say I feel amazing and that everything is perfect. But the truth is I’m up and down emotionally. During the day, I’m mostly positive. I’m taking action, and I’m keeping options open. So far, I’ve:
- Applied to about 30 jobs
- Reached out to about 2 dozen people
- Had 1 information interview
- Talked with 4-5 recruiters
- Have 1 job interview next week
This makes me feel like I’m making progress.
I’ve also started to look at finances. Maybe this is the chance to devote more time to this blog, writing a book, writing for others, and investing in real estate.
If not now, when?
We are considering living off my girlfriend’s salary and investing the income I generate. We’ll focus on retirement, non-retirement, and real estate. We will purchase a rental property within 12 months.
I am not yet fully settled, and I don’t have all the answers. But I feel free. I’m open, and I know I will figure this out in the next 6-8 weeks. I will continue to work toward financial freedom. And I will build this blog and purchase a rental property with my girlfriend. I will also earn other money through online writing and consulting work or through a full-time job.
One of my flaws is that I can be loyal to a fault. I stayed too long for a company hoping it would get better, but knowing that it wouldn’t. I stayed working at a big company while it was at odds with my entrepreneurial spirit. I may work for someone else for a while. But I have control on what type of environment I want to be in, and I will set myself up for the true prize. Working for myself doing what I love. Learning more about financial independence and real estate, and writing and sharing my experiences with others.
It can be hard to see the lesson when you’re going through something. But I can’t help but think that getting laid off will be one of the best things that could have happened to me.